[00:33:11] Pulling that commit would require also backing out the security fixes that follow it. I would rather find, and fix, the bugs. [00:56:55] I've just gone over all of the non-Linux dir buffer handling code, and I can't see any more issues. Could you just check for me that you are definitely running a tree which is based from current master, with that one additional change, and that you have completely rebuilt from a "make clean" (our dependencies suck). [01:24:31] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [01:33:09] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [07:09:23] --- Simon has become available [07:22:55] --- Simon has left [07:48:54] Er, I was proposing me taking my local tree back in history for instrumenting/debugging, not reverting on master. [07:49:21] I did a 'git clean -x -f -d' before regen- and build-ing. [08:55:47] --- Simon has become available [09:16:14] --- Simon has left [10:15:09] --- sxw has become available [10:25:04] --- sxw has left [10:36:58] --- rra has become available [11:29:44] --- mdionne has become available [11:30:42] --- mdionne has left [13:11:53] --- sxw has become available [13:22:07] --- sxw has left [14:23:13] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [16:02:19] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [17:47:03] --- rra has left: Disconnected [18:02:35] --- Russ has become available [23:12:51] --- reuteras has become available