[00:47:13] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [00:54:51] --- haba has become available [01:01:39] --- haba has left [01:26:29] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [02:05:21] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [02:07:56] --- haba has become available [02:12:33] Simon: Now my history arrived scrambled as well: (2011-09-12 23.10.01) phalenor (2011-09-12 23.11.51) haba (2011-09-12 23.12.13) haba (2011-09-12 23.13.42) phalenor (2011-09-12 23.10.15) phalenor Is this someting stupid in the client or in the server or is it that the client gets a load of "events" replayed from the server without any order? [03:14:28] --- haba has left [05:08:18] --- haba has become available [05:25:08] --- meffie has become available [06:05:31] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [06:49:25] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [07:04:35] Simon: 5403 moves the event comments to afs.h as well. [07:12:05] --- summatusmentis has become available [07:32:01] --- deason/gmail has become available [07:36:12] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [07:36:13] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [07:42:38] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [07:45:27] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [08:03:07] --- reuteras has left [08:27:45] --- mho has become available [08:51:21] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [09:25:56] --- steven.jenkins has left [09:26:22] --- steven.jenkins has become available [09:42:41] --- steven.jenkins has left [09:43:37] --- steven.jenkins has become available [09:55:19] --- lars.malinowsky has left [09:55:26] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [10:05:11] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [10:33:50] --- haba has left [10:51:59] --- phalenor has left [10:52:05] --- phalenor has become available [11:24:11] --- lars.malinowsky has left [11:24:14] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [11:44:12] --- deason-gmail has become available [11:44:12] --- deason/gmail has left [11:49:46] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has left [11:49:54] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has become available [11:53:44] --- matt has become available [11:57:55] --- steven.jenkins has left [11:58:09] --- steven.jenkins has become available [12:32:01] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has left [12:32:09] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has become available [12:39:54] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has left [12:40:04] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has become available [12:52:37] --- Russ has become available [12:59:39] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has left [12:59:49] --- shadow@gmail.com/barnowl67590625 has become available [13:21:36] --- deason-gmail has left [13:22:10] --- deason-gmail has become available [13:56:54] --- haba has become available [14:07:47] --- mfelliott48145 has become available [14:07:47] --- mfelliott48145 has left [14:07:47] --- mfelliott95912 has become available [14:07:47] --- mfelliott95912 has left [14:07:47] --- mfelliott95912 has become available [14:13:25] --- deason-gmail has left [14:16:24] --- deason-gmail has become available [14:37:17] --- haba has left [15:08:05] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [15:23:16] --- Russ has become available [15:35:42] --- summatusmentis has left [15:59:16] --- deason-gmail has left [16:28:06] --- matt has left [17:22:32] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [17:26:32] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [17:39:20] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [17:51:38] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [17:51:39] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [19:09:48] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left [19:45:35] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [19:49:07] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [19:49:26] --- Jeffrey Altman has left [20:20:59] --- steven.jenkins has left [20:23:03] --- steven.jenkins has become available [21:06:38] --- Russ has become available [22:25:02] --- reuteras has become available [22:34:22] --- haba has become available [23:34:42] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [23:40:55] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [23:58:22] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [23:58:34] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available