[00:34:25] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [01:00:23] --- abo has become available [01:36:08] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [01:39:22] --- mho has become available [02:19:56] --- haba has become available [04:23:56] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [04:23:57] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [04:44:42] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [04:44:44] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [05:15:27] --- haba has left [08:19:37] --- haba has become available [10:14:52] --- haba has left [11:41:21] --- haba has become available [11:44:35] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [12:05:33] --- Russ has become available [12:30:10] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [14:14:21] --- haba has left [15:28:28] Adding new libraries to the OpenAFS tree really is spectacularly boring. Having now done it 3 times, I suspect I should have automated it the first time ... [19:56:50] --- steven.jenkins has left [21:47:30] I thought we were going to push another tag post-1.6.0 so that the git describe output that goes into commit mails was more sane? [23:22:20] --- haba has become available [23:23:21] --- reuteras has become available