[00:43:30] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [00:47:57] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [01:02:53] --- phalenor has left [01:02:56] --- jakllsch has left [01:11:34] --- phalenor has become available [01:27:37] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [05:29:32] --- jblaine has left [07:52:47] --- deason/gmail has become available [08:07:59] --- sxw has become available [08:14:34] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [08:53:41] --- meffie has left [08:56:43] --- sxw has left [09:08:04] --- lars.malinowsky has left [09:12:31] --- rra has become available [09:36:44] --- meffie has become available [10:28:53] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [10:59:42] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [11:22:35] hmm, rxi_AdjustDgramPackets doesn't make a lot of sense to me... am I just misinterpreting what it's supposed to do? [11:23:00] I thought it was supposed to calculate the number of frags that can fit in a given mtu size, but it multiplies the mtu by the frags... which doesn't make any sense [11:24:16] so if you give it an mtu of 1430, it returns "1", but if you give it an mtu of 1432 or higher with, say, 4 frags, it gives you back "4" [12:10:21] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [12:10:22] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [12:22:25] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [12:22:26] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [12:35:25] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Replaced by new connection [12:35:26] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [12:54:47] --- jakllsch has become available [14:45:47] --- deason/gmail has left [15:28:35] --- lars.malinowsky has left [15:34:06] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [17:38:40] --- rra has left: Disconnected [17:46:15] --- deason/gmail has become available [17:58:52] --- Russ has become available [18:18:40] (re: rx_event woes) Haha, the old MakefileProto.FBSD set DBUG=-O2 which was getting unconditionally passed to all the libafs object file builds. [18:50:58] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [18:51:12] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [22:11:39] --- deason/gmail has left [23:17:59] --- lars.malinowsky has left