[01:01:16] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [01:13:18] --- meffie has left [01:35:41] --- meffie has become available [01:37:51] --- haba has become available [02:00:24] --- haba has left [02:36:06] --- haba has become available [02:38:29] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [02:45:20] --- haba has left [02:45:40] --- haba has become available [04:54:58] --- lars.malinowsky has left [04:56:10] --- meffie has left [05:00:58] --- meffie has become available [05:17:38] --- meffie has left [05:27:26] --- meffie has become available [06:22:31] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has left: Disconnected [06:25:09] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [07:30:31] Wild and crazy: 1.6.0pre6 installed on two machines, one of them with $USERs [07:31:01] where did you get a pre6? [07:32:40] untagged, in afs. note that there's a minor issue to resolve so what's there is not pre6 final, we need to fix a configure issue. [07:32:44] Our shadow did one for the wild and crazy ones. [08:10:30] --- deason_gmail has become available [08:16:19] --- haba has left [08:16:57] --- haba has become available [08:26:58] --- haba has left [08:27:28] --- haba has become available [08:42:05] --- lars.malinowsky has become available [08:46:22] --- reuteras has left [09:38:14] --- haba has left [09:47:45] --- Russ has become available [10:23:43] --- haba has become available [11:08:44] --- haba has left [11:08:48] --- haba has become available [11:48:26] Oh, good catch Andrew. [11:56:43] hooray hurd [13:00:19] --- haba has left [13:00:44] --- haba has become available [14:19:45] --- haba has left [15:58:19] --- deason_gmail has left [16:04:15] So, uh, do we have any documentation on how to set up a new cell without using -noauth? [16:09:33] --- jakllsch has become available [16:34:31] ben: afs_rootvol does it. basically the only difference is the use of pt_util to emit a database [16:42:06] --- pod has left [17:08:28] hello. [22:06:55] --- lars.malinowsky has left [23:32:41] --- reuteras has become available