[00:22:08] --- deason has left [00:24:37] --- deason has become available [00:37:06] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [04:41:05] --- pod has left [04:44:50] --- pod has become available [10:01:42] --- Russ has become available [15:08:05] New OpenSSH patch finally out of the door. [15:43:06] Unless there are any objections, I'm going to go ahead and do patching of git.openafs.org (also the host of this Jabber server). New kernel, so there will be a reboot. [15:44:26] Seems as good a time as any. I snuck in a gerrit update a day or so back without anyone noticing. [15:45:00] Once it's back, I think we could do with doing a git gc again. [15:46:52] Okay, sure thing. Starting the upgrade now. [15:49:16] And chatroom is going down in a few but will come back. [15:52:23] --- LOGGING STARTED [15:52:28] --- geekosaur has become available [15:52:31] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [15:52:39] --- Russ has become available [15:52:41] --- jaltman/FrogsLeap has become available [15:52:47] --- kula has become available [15:53:04] --- mfelliott has become available [15:54:24] --- shadow@gmail.com/owlCA75C6BE has become available [15:56:51] --- jakllsch has become available [16:00:19] Yeah, we defnitely needed a git gc. [16:03:15] Which is looking like it's going to take a while, due to the huge numbers of files it has to keep open to do the gc. [16:04:38] I once again am thinking I should set up a cron job or something to do this. [16:34:10] --- deason has become available [17:22:33] Okay, git gc all finished. [19:51:11] btw, we should git prune before the git gc. [20:12:22] git gc runs git prune automatically. [20:12:42] Plus, I don't think git prune will do much for our repos. It only disposes of unreferenced objects, and I think Gerrit maintains a reference to everything. [20:13:13] Otherwise it wouldn't be able to show all the history on the web site. [20:34:09] my experience is that git prune is not run automatically by git gc. I often get warnings after running git gc that git prune is required. Perhaps that is because I am often using git rebase though. [20:43:47] now that gerrit is installed, I think we should set the project option that requires a Change-Id: line as part of the submission [20:44:05] Well, the man page says that git prune is run by default when you run git gc, at least. [20:44:45] Ah, but only in the version I have locally, not in the one on git.openafs.org. [20:44:52] They must have added that since Debian stable. [20:48:02] And yeah, git rebase will leave a lot of unreferenced objects. [20:48:57] But I've now pruned and gc'd the repositories again. [20:51:45] which version are you running locally? I'm running [20:53:43] [20:54:19] --prune= Prune loose objects older than date (default is 2 weeks ago, overridable by the config variable gc.pruneExpire). This option is on by default. [21:26:05] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Disconnected [21:52:12] --- deason has left