[00:02:33] --- kaj has left [00:50:37] --- pod has left [03:05:25] --- pod has become available [03:47:42] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [03:50:34] --- jaltman has become available [04:02:57] --- ksumner has left [04:30:54] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [05:55:43] --- jaltman has become available [06:09:48] --- meffie has become available [06:37:21] --- reuteras has left [06:42:17] --- mlane has left [06:44:54] --- deason has become available [06:46:06] --- mlane has become available [08:23:28] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [08:39:44] --- mlane has left [08:49:02] --- jaltman has become available [09:42:29] --- rra has become available [09:49:09] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [10:01:01] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [11:11:06] Any buildbot users around? I'm trying to debug the problem on the two Mac OS X slaves. [11:13:29] What problem are you seeing? [11:14:12] could not lookup DNS configuration info service: (ipc/send) invalid destination port fatal: Unable to look up git.openafs.org (port 9418) (nodename nor servname provided, or not known) [11:14:58] that was 10.6. [11:15:03] 10.5 is returning [11:15:04] fatal: Unable to look up git.openafs.org (port 9418) (Temporary failure in name resolution) [11:15:24] When I run the git command by hand as the buildbot user it works just fine. [11:15:35] http://buildbot.openafs.org:8010/builders/macos-ppc-builder/builds/4/steps/git/logs/stdio [11:17:12] So that's a little bit strange - why are you using http://git.openafs.org [11:17:41] --- kula has become available [11:17:44] I dunno. I just did what I was told. [11:18:27] Which version of git have you installed? [11:18:38] by buildbot config talks to buildbot.openafs.org and it sends the build instructions. [11:18:52] git version [11:19:04] And when you run the git command by hand, are you using the same path as buildbot? [11:19:35] And the same environment? [11:19:56] yes. I run /sw/bin/git fetch -t git://git.openafs.org/openafs.git +master while in /Users/buildbot/openafs-slave1/macos-x86_64-builder/build after running sudo su - buildbot [11:20:08] Okay, so buildbot isn't doing that. [11:20:20] It's running /opt/local/bin/git [11:20:49] sorry wrong system. Let me check the 10.5 box. [11:22:42] yup. runs fine to completion. [11:22:54] build buildbot$ /opt/local/bin/git fetch -t git://git.openafs.org/openafs.git +master remote: Counting objects: 1187, done. remote: Compressing objects: 100% (667/667), done. remote: Total 682 (delta 620), reused 47 (delta 11) Receiving objects: 100% (682/682), 122.84 KiB, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (620/620), completed with 492 local objects. From git://git.openafs.org/openafs * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD [11:23:37] Okay. I think you need to speak to Jason and find out what commands he is asking you to run. [11:27:53] See http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/python/dev/829057 [11:28:25] (and posts linked from there) [11:30:02] Are you starting buildbot from launchd? [11:35:29] Currently I've just started it up by hand and not reboot the system. [11:35:50] But after my first successfull test build its been failing with these two crazy errors. [11:37:00] Yeah. It's a known problem with stuff running in the background on Mac OS X. Apparently, you lose access to the Mach connection to the resolver. [11:37:09] The fix is to start buildbot from launchd. [11:37:15] Ahh. OK. [11:39:13] You didn't happen to run into a radr bug # about it did you? [11:40:05] So it stops working once I close my terminal window or exit my ssh session. [11:40:14] That's consistent with what I've seen. [11:40:28] I haven't seen one. But I didn't look that deeply. [11:40:29] I'll set up a launchd config to fire up the buildbot daemon. [11:57:15] Thanks for the guidance Simon. I'm restarting the 10.5 box now and will see if it works. [12:17:32] --- jaltman has become available [13:20:10] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [14:44:01] --- meffie has left [15:07:06] --- deason has left [15:37:09] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [15:50:50] --- jaltman has become available [15:55:58] --- deason has become available [16:40:28] msysgit is now available for download. [17:05:34] --- rra has left: Disconnected [17:17:55] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [17:17:57] --- jaltman has become available [17:27:35] --- Russ has become available [17:31:15] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [17:31:16] --- jaltman has become available [18:00:37] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [18:00:49] --- jaltman has become available [19:34:38] --- geekosaur has left [19:34:44] --- geekosaur has become available [19:51:16] --- geekosaur has left [19:51:21] --- geekosaur has become available [20:46:12] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [21:38:27] --- deason has left [22:23:52] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [22:23:58] --- Jeffrey Altman has left [22:39:10] --- reuteras has become available [23:42:44] --- reuteras has left