[01:44:23] --- kaj has become available [01:50:36] --- kaj has left [04:43:02] --- kaj has become available [07:21:43] --- pod has become available [07:40:20] --- matt has become available [08:44:19] --- jaltman has become available [09:57:26] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [09:57:26] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [10:11:45] andrew: throwing caution to the wind, I upgraded my production fs from 1.3.82 to...HEAD. [10:11:53] Also, moving to DAFS. [10:13:44] This is basically working, but I have some odd behavior. One is that forced salvage kicks off, but makes no progress. [10:14:12] I also have an old volume I can't vos remove. [10:49:48] Ah. Fixed that with a bunch of vos zap. [11:14:52] --- matt has left [11:22:52] --- Russ has become available [11:41:15] I've pushed a new version of my "Use git describe to give the build version" patch - now with support for distribution tarballs and those poor souls who have a git clone, but no git client. [11:55:44] --- matt has become available [12:22:07] --- kaj has left [13:42:00] --- matt has left [14:59:47] --- deason has become available [17:35:45] --- RedBear has become available [22:01:06] --- kula has left