[01:55:40] --- kaj has become available [01:56:02] --- kaj has left [02:32:18] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [03:18:17] --- kaj has become available [03:20:08] --- kaj has left [03:20:18] --- kaj has become available [03:43:18] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [03:52:41] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [03:52:42] --- jaltman has become available [04:16:30] --- kaj has left [05:10:05] --- kaj has become available [05:12:12] --- kaj has left [06:47:40] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [07:47:46] --- JSund has become available [08:26:35] If anyone has some time to spare, I would appreciate it if I could get some comments on my code and if I should change something in my way of coding. Code is available at http://github.com/JSund/libstrsafe [09:48:11] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [09:57:18] --- Russ has become available [12:37:28] --- JSund has left [12:55:23] --- kaj has become available [13:06:28] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [13:19:45] --- kaj has left [13:44:43] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [14:05:26] --- Russ has become available [14:08:45] --- kaj has become available [16:21:18] --- kaj has left [21:57:49] --- kaj has become available [21:58:43] --- kaj has left [22:04:15] --- reuteras has become available [22:08:47] --- Born Fool has become available [22:47:11] --- Born Fool has left [23:39:07] --- Russ has left: Replaced by new connection [23:39:07] --- Russ has become available [23:55:08] --- Russ has left: Disconnected