[02:36:17] --- haba has become available [03:12:15] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [04:01:33] --- kula has left [04:26:45] --- kula has become available [05:51:43] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [06:03:35] --- matt has become available [06:33:02] --- mmeffie has become available [06:35:07] --- matt has left: Replaced by new connection [06:35:07] --- matt has become available [06:35:15] --- haba has left [06:39:28] --- Russ has become available [06:51:01] --- Kelli Ireland has become available [06:51:25] --- jaltman has become available [06:53:25] --- reuteras has left [07:04:05] --- haba has become available [07:25:47] --- matt has left [07:28:34] --- mho has become available [07:29:06] --- deason has become available [07:37:43] --- matt has become available [07:43:40] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [07:52:27] is there any technical reason a struct FileEntry may not be extended? [07:52:29] --- pod has left [07:52:46] i think we already extended it once [07:53:10] ok, cool [07:58:21] --- matt has left: Replaced by new connection [07:58:25] --- matt has become available [08:06:26] --- matt has left: Replaced by new connection [08:06:27] --- matt has become available [08:08:42] --- pod has become available [08:08:53] --- Kelli Ireland has left [08:11:15] --- Kelli Ireland has become available [08:19:02] --- matt has left: Replaced by new connection [08:19:02] --- matt has become available [08:27:50] --- kaj has left [08:35:22] --- Kelli Ireland has left [08:36:20] --- Kelli Ireland has become available [08:48:50] --- matt has left: Replaced by new connection [08:48:55] --- matt has become available [08:51:47] --- jerry.gay has become available [08:54:11] figured i'd join the workshop chatrom, but i don't see 'workshop' hosted on this server. am i looking in the wrong place? [08:54:34] it's on this server [08:54:43] it may not be in the public roster. you can join it anyway [08:54:44] * jerry.gay looks again [08:54:58] if you're looking instead of joining, you're trying too hard :) [08:56:43] it's my first jabber chat room, i'm an irc-ite [08:57:26] and i can't convince pidgin to join. oh well. [08:57:53] uh. you should be able to. others in the room are using pidgin [09:00:19] --- matt has left: Replaced by new connection [09:00:20] --- matt has become available [09:04:15] and now i'm in. user error, i had to scroll my tabs to the right since i'm in 12 irc channels. thanks! [09:04:27] heh [09:06:29] as an intro, i'm president of parrot foundation (for the parrot virtual machine) and a perl foundation google soc admin [09:06:40] how's this year's gsoc going for openafs? [09:06:57] you have one of the students in the room with you :) [09:07:08] aye, kelli. [09:07:11] Hi, Jerry! [09:07:16] howdy! [09:07:35] she'll be speaking a little on... i guess thursday. i wonder if i told her that [09:07:41] I'm a fan of Parrot. [09:07:44] Oh, I am??? [09:07:45] heh, [09:08:10] Now I know. [09:08:14] uh. yeah. telling us who you are, and what you're working on. [09:08:17] kelli, did you do some work for parrot, i remember your name. maybe schwern hooked you up with parrot or perl 6 work? [09:08:39] That's me. I hacked a little at one of the Perl hackathons. [09:08:49] ah, yes, i met you there. [09:09:51] good luck with your project this year. i hope derrick is a good mentor :) [09:10:02] probably isn't. [09:10:09] :) [09:10:09] Thanks! Me too. :) [09:10:11] :) [09:10:44] --- jaltman has become available [09:24:30] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [09:55:37] --- matt has left [10:16:28] --- Kelli Ireland has left [10:17:01] --- deason has left [10:26:15] --- haba has left [10:44:08] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [10:44:20] --- matt has become available [11:21:08] --- deason has become available [11:21:45] --- matt has left [11:23:45] --- _cclausen has become available [11:27:11] --- shadow has become available [11:27:37] --- shadow has left [11:29:01] --- shadow has become available [11:31:03] --- Kelli Ireland has become available [11:33:49] --- mmeffie has left [11:34:48] --- mmeffie has become available [11:58:10] --- mdionne has become available [12:08:48] --- jaltman has become available [12:10:20] --- Russ has become available [12:14:08] --- matt has become available [12:33:26] --- mdionne has left [12:35:36] --- mdionne has become available [12:54:49] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [13:03:31] --- Kevin Sumner has left [13:04:17] --- Kevin Sumner has become available [13:26:54] --- jerry.gay has left [13:40:12] --- shadow has left [13:42:43] --- matt has left [13:58:29] --- haba has become available [14:29:19] is available now (as part of the 1.4.12 release, and including macos binaries) [14:34:17] --- kaj has become available [14:44:27] --- kaj has left [14:59:05] --- kaj has become available [15:27:39] --- deason has left [15:29:04] --- Kelli Ireland has left [15:33:05] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [15:34:01] --- haba has left [15:39:10] --- jaltman has become available [15:45:08] --- Kelli Ireland has become available [15:45:21] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [15:50:33] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [16:06:25] --- kaj has left [16:06:25] --- kaj has become available [16:07:33] --- matt has become available [16:09:03] --- kaj has left [16:09:03] --- kaj has become available [16:23:19] --- pod has left [17:13:28] --- kaj has left [17:13:31] --- kaj has become available [17:24:15] --- matt has left [17:39:08] --- kaj has left [17:39:09] --- kaj has become available [18:12:39] --- kaj has left [18:12:40] --- kaj has become available [18:21:38] --- pod has become available [18:23:32] --- kaj has left [18:23:35] --- kaj@kth.se has become available [19:01:57] --- kaj@kth.se has left [19:01:58] --- kaj has become available [19:17:22] --- kaj has left [19:17:25] --- kaj has become available [19:24:06] --- kaj has left [19:24:07] --- kaj has become available [19:25:09] --- shadow has become available [19:25:41] --- kaj has left [19:25:41] --- kaj has become available [19:56:47] --- Russ has become available [19:59:21] --- shadow has left [20:05:01] --- Born Fool has become available [20:51:23] --- mdionne has left [21:06:28] --- jaltman has become available [21:09:14] --- kaj has left [21:12:55] --- Born Fool has left [21:31:19] --- kaj has become available [21:32:30] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [21:45:20] Robert Watson pointed out to me earlier that fbsd actually has two syscalls reserved for afs stuff, 339 for pioctl and 377 for afs_syscall. By my reading, we are only using 339, for everything. Would there be support for allowing pioctl to use a different syscall number than the main syscall, if possible? [21:47:45] --- kaj has left [21:47:49] --- kaj has become available [22:21:18] --- reuteras has become available [22:27:21] --- kaj has left [22:34:11] --- kaj has become available [22:40:19] --- kaj has left [23:22:13] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [23:22:14] --- kaj has become available