[00:07:38] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [01:26:51] --- kaj has become available [01:54:59] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [04:20:54] --- abo has left [04:21:45] --- abo has become available [04:42:14] --- kaj has left [04:42:16] --- kaj has become available [04:47:19] --- phalenor has left [04:52:35] --- kaj has left [04:52:41] --- kaj has become available [04:54:30] --- kaj has left [04:54:35] --- kaj has become available [04:55:11] --- kaj has left [04:55:18] --- kaj has become available [04:55:43] --- kaj has left [04:55:48] --- kaj has become available [04:56:45] --- phalenor has become available [04:59:19] --- kaj has left [05:01:36] --- kaj has become available [05:40:37] --- dwbotsch has left [05:42:59] --- dwbotsch has become available [05:54:08] --- kaj has left [05:54:15] --- kaj has become available [06:52:41] --- meffie has become available [06:59:22] --- haba has become available [07:03:32] --- Kevin Sumner has become available [07:25:20] --- reuteras has left [07:25:25] --- deason has become available [09:08:24] --- meffie has left [09:24:22] --- haba has left [10:30:29] --- Russ has become available [10:50:25] --- jaltman has become available [11:46:37] --- haba has become available [12:05:56] --- haba has left [12:36:40] --- kula has left [12:48:52] --- meffie has become available [13:05:19] --- kaj has left [13:09:45] --- kula has become available [14:09:34] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [14:52:23] --- Kevin Sumner has left [15:00:10] --- mdionne has become available [15:04:50] --- meffie has left [15:10:44] uh, how is change 1895 supposed to compile? I don't see where LockType gets defined. Maybe a change in another file missing from the commit? [15:13:08] typo, I think; s/LockType/lockType/, but that's just from a glance [15:13:27] I still think we can do that check before we hit the server... [15:17:03] ok that compiles - I'll push a fix [15:45:55] --- deason has left [16:07:53] --- deason has become available [17:53:59] --- nelhage@mit.edu/lunatique has left [17:54:19] --- nelhage@mit.edu/lunatique has become available [18:02:46] --- jaltman has become available [19:22:10] --- mdionne has left [19:32:55] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [20:18:41] > I still think we can do that check before we hit the server... [20:18:59] a check. not that one. [20:19:14] and yeah, i fixed that and failed to push. sorry [21:33:09] RO volumes should only let us open stuff readonly; I assume we can check if we're opened O_RDONLY... so, can't we check the open mode against the lock mode? [21:45:40] --- jaltman has become available [22:07:12] --- kaj has become available [22:10:16] there was a case where you could open an ro volume O_RDWR, and as long as you never wrote it worked. [22:11:42] how does POSIX treat opening a file on a CD with O_RDWR? [22:13:23] --- reuteras has become available [22:22:55] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [22:25:35] --- deason has left [23:16:16] --- kaj has left [23:46:28] --- haba has become available