[00:34:48] --- abo has left [02:55:29] --- kaj has become available [03:48:31] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [03:48:31] --- jaltman has become available [05:20:49] --- shadow@gmail.com/owlF3B2DDA4 has left [06:18:51] --- shadow@gmail.com/owl9B0B49DD has become available [07:06:38] --- tharidufernando has become available [07:21:52] --- Russ has become available [10:59:07] --- tharidufernando has left [14:27:41] --- kaj has left [14:31:48] --- kaj has become available [16:05:08] --- kaj has left [16:05:12] --- kaj@kth.se has become available [16:36:47] --- kaj@kth.se has left [16:49:02] --- asedeno has left [18:20:28] --- asedeno has become available [20:18:18] (starking a few days) Simon: Yes, I do have 8d41bc24c5 in this build. I'm starting my ports upgrade, so hopefully I'll get a useful valgrind on this box, soon. (Alternately, I could get some hardware from SIPB and do a clean install on it, but it might take a few days for me to get around to that.) [21:52:14] --- tharidufernando has become available [22:40:14] --- tharidufernando has left [22:57:49] --- Born Fool has become available