[00:08:33] --- kaj has left [01:06:02] --- kaj has become available [01:52:16] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [02:27:39] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [03:05:49] --- haba has left [03:47:24] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [03:47:25] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [04:16:30] --- haba has become available [04:59:27] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [05:47:30] --- Derrick Brashear has become available [05:47:41] --- Derrick Brashear has left [06:04:02] --- haba has left [06:05:44] --- haba has become available [06:07:59] --- meffie has become available [06:29:23] --- jaltman has become available [07:02:49] --- deason has become available [07:06:47] "stop the madness" has to be the best commit message, ever. [07:30:29] --- sxw has become available [07:31:30] glad you liked it :) [08:03:54] --- haba has left [08:32:09] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [08:49:24] --- sxw has left [09:00:46] --- summatusmentis has become available [09:08:05] --- sxw has become available [09:40:36] --- shadow has become available [09:49:50] --- shadow has left [09:50:31] --- shadow has become available [10:04:54] deason: Sorry. I keep forgetting that we didn't do the LINUX split on 1.4 too. [10:13:10] --- haba has become available [10:16:05] --- kaj has left [10:17:27] --- haba has left [10:45:36] --- Russ has become available [10:57:04] --- shadow has left [11:01:07] --- mho has left [11:02:26] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [11:10:41] --- sxw has left [11:14:57] --- shadow has become available [11:25:50] --- shadow has left [11:40:25] --- sxw has become available [11:43:59] So, it turns out that ((struct ucred*)(long)(struct thread *))->p_ucred is in the middle of td_slpq. I wonder if this is related to the sleep weirdness/missed wakeups that I've been seeing. [11:59:03] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [12:28:32] --- kaj has become available [13:25:27] --- sxw has left [13:52:34] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [13:54:21] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [15:00:33] --- mdionne has become available [15:14:04] --- deason has left [15:32:39] --- meffie has left [18:16:49] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [18:36:40] --- Russ has become available [18:45:40] --- deason has become available [19:25:23] --- mdionne has left [20:32:48] --- Born Fool has become available [21:40:50] --- Born Fool has left [22:23:11] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [22:29:09] --- deason has left [23:51:00] --- kaj has left