[00:03:18] --- manfred has become available [00:35:37] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [01:16:31] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [01:28:14] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [01:28:26] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [01:38:21] --- reuteras has left [01:52:32] --- sxw has become available [02:12:12] --- reuteras has become available [02:46:39] --- reuteras has left [02:55:24] --- haba has become available [04:43:09] --- sxw has left [05:31:24] --- meffie has become available [05:42:19] --- reuteras has become available [06:57:12] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [06:57:36] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [06:57:37] --- jaltman has become available [07:09:51] --- deason has become available [07:25:27] --- reuteras has left [07:39:52] --- Jeffrey Altman has left [08:00:53] --- stevenjenkins has left [08:04:03] --- stevenjenkins has become available [08:15:16] --- manfred has left [08:59:00] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [08:59:05] --- jaltman has become available [09:32:35] --- sxw has become available [09:52:07] --- sxw has left [09:57:53] --- haba has left [10:12:55] --- manfred has become available [10:39:21] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [10:39:55] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [10:46:11] --- manfred has left [10:56:51] --- sxw has become available [11:09:21] --- sxw has left [11:52:44] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [11:57:08] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [12:09:08] --- jaltman has become available [12:45:22] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [14:02:04] --- stevenjenkins has left [14:05:15] --- stevenjenkins has become available [14:49:53] --- jaltman has become available [15:36:35] --- deason has left [15:55:56] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [15:57:17] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [15:58:12] --- jaltman has become available [16:01:20] --- Jeffrey Altman has left [16:22:07] --- sxw has become available [16:22:26] The fact that gcc assumes that sizeof(void) == 1 has just made me sad ... [16:25:43] --- deason has become available [16:52:37] andrew: can you submit the second patch that was discussed in 436? [16:53:03] I think being able to submit the fix to prevent breaking arla is the only thing blocking 436 from being merged [17:18:59] --- meffie has left [17:43:39] --- jaltman has left: Disconnected [18:17:38] --- mdionne has become available [18:18:35] gerrit need a kick? or is it just me... [18:19:03] Seems to work fine for me, but I'll kick it anyway. [18:20:40] Kicked [18:21:58] Marc: If you get a moment, could you trying hammering on 6f2ce4cdc216ad5a3e8ed09a011a5f0681f098b4 (it's now on master, so just testing master should do the trick) [18:22:28] I just managed to corrupt a git repo on machine running master, and some additional patches, and I'm a little concerned ... [19:13:41] hmm, gerrit was still stuck, but clearing my browser cache did the trick [19:20:35] sxw: I'll run some longer tests. git relies on mmap, so given the history of mmap vs. openafs, storing a repository in afs is maybe a bit adventurous.. :) [19:49:47] --- mdionne has left [19:51:31] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [20:26:43] jaltman: 709, though I see 436 as a rather unrelated issue as far as blocking-for-merging is concerned [20:26:58] I should have submitted that awhile ago, though; sorry about that [20:52:45] sxw: 708 (or, well, master now) builds for me as well, fwiw [20:54:23] --- jaltman has become available [20:54:37] --- deason has left [22:37:46] --- reuteras has become available [23:29:44] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available