[00:16:35] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [01:21:46] --- Claudio Bisegni has become available [01:31:58] --- deason has left [02:41:51] > anything anyone submits to gerrit is automatically redistributed by us [02:42:21] That's why Android requires a CLA before you can push into gerrit. Their CLA states, amongst other things, that you give them permission to distribute the code. [02:48:09] On the whole IPL mess, my take is that 90% of the commits that say 'LICENSE MIT' or 'LICENSE BSD' are meaningless. The only real exception, I think, being with documentation that's been written from scratch. Pretty much everything else is a derivative work. [03:29:24] --- Claudio Bisegni has left [04:34:28] --- sxw laptop has become available [04:51:00] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: Replaced by new connection [04:51:03] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [05:16:48] Well, consider all of the k5ssl stuff from Marcus. There's a lot of original code there, and I'm pretty sure it says "LICENSE BSD". We can't just ignore that; we have to either accept that license or reject the patch. [05:26:39] I think that's cleaner - given that's a module in its own right. [05:27:16] But, I still think that the commit message is the wrong place to make a license assertion. [05:40:22] Yeah, you're probably right about that. [05:44:40] Well, I should finish eating and catch my plane [05:46:36] Particularly since I'm pretty sure that's it at the gate. [06:41:46] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: Replaced by new connection [06:52:02] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [07:10:03] --- sxw laptop has left [11:06:32] --- haba has become available [11:19:27] --- deason has become available [13:04:40] --- sxw laptop has become available [13:22:42] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [13:22:48] --- Jeffrey Altman has left [13:23:40] --- asedeno has left [13:23:40] --- asedeno has become available [13:23:43] --- asedeno has left [13:24:05] --- asedeno has become available [14:18:15] --- haba has left [19:45:08] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [19:45:27] --- jaltman has left: Replaced by new connection [19:45:28] --- jaltman has become available [21:08:25] --- deason has left [22:25:16] --- reuteras has become available [23:48:09] --- sxw laptop has left