[00:09:17] --- abo has left [00:10:04] --- abo has become available [00:22:43] --- haba has left [01:04:55] --- brantgurga has left [01:24:35] --- brantgurga has become available [01:30:25] --- brantgurga has left [01:45:49] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [02:19:40] --- haba has become available [02:57:12] --- brantgurga has become available [03:03:25] --- brantgurga has left [03:22:25] --- brantgurga has become available [05:21:33] --- brantgurga has left [05:23:33] --- brantgurga has become available [05:36:45] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [06:27:10] --- brantgurga has left [06:45:51] --- deason has become available [07:43:36] --- reuteras has left [08:06:22] --- brantgurga has become available [09:22:59] --- matt has become available [09:31:06] --- haba has left [09:32:38] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [09:46:50] --- matt has left [09:51:39] --- deason has left [09:52:18] --- deason has become available [09:56:13] --- haba has become available [09:56:25] --- haba has left [10:54:11] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [11:15:51] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [11:18:31] --- matt has become available [11:19:01] Just offhand, what jabber server is openafs.org using? (Not expert enough to guess) [11:19:21] um. openfire i think [11:19:44] the java one which supports gssapi; cmu and mit both had people using it who liked it, and russ said they had some local expertise, so... [11:20:09] --- cclausen has become available [11:20:53] Good reasons--just wondered. The only one I've set up is ejabberd. [11:21:55] I have setup openfire for kerberos sso as well. works fairly well [11:22:10] having some trouble with cross-realm right now though [11:46:38] --- Russ has become available [11:47:29] jabber.openafs.org is using jabber14, since it was already packaged for Debian and we didn't need anything complicated. Openfire has a lot more features, but there's no package in Debian and the package that you get directly from them is crap. [11:48:12] there are debian packages available from igniterealtime's website [11:48:25] but yeah, as you say [11:48:29] it occationally has issues [11:48:39] Yeah, that package is crap. [11:48:48] I had to repackage it when I was running it [11:49:00] We're cludging along with it for the time being, but I'll doubtless do that at some point. [11:50:09] I particularly like the JAR files in /usr/share that are only readable by the openfire group, which makes it really hard to build plugin packages. [11:50:20] we're using the rpm for the campus central server, and I assume it works fnie [11:51:15] Everytime I deploy a server written in Java, I think a little bit of me dies inside. [11:51:39] Yeah, amen to that. [11:51:56] The deployment mechanism in particular is just *so* badly designed. [11:52:09] It's like they didn't pay any attention at all to all the prior experience that other people had with how to deploy applications. [11:52:54] So you get unversioned libraries, the Java equivalent of static linking, everything assuming it's going to live in one giant directory structure for that application... it's like getting into a time machine and going back to the 1990s. [11:53:17] Indeed. [11:54:46] that is actually how we run stuff here [11:54:54] each app has its own java version [11:57:13] Yeah, that's what most people end up having to do. [12:11:10] --- andersk@mit.edu/ozok-the-destroyer has left [12:11:10] --- andersk@mit.edu/dr-wily has left [13:08:06] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [13:10:12] --- Rrrrred has become available [13:10:47] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [13:14:52] --- Russ has become available [13:18:11] --- brantgurga has left [13:20:36] --- matt has left [13:32:56] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [13:36:09] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [14:16:31] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [14:34:40] A quick heads up. Shawn has just released gerrit 2.0.19, which makes some workflow changes. If the deployment on r.s.a.c goes well, I intend deploying it for OpenAFS in a week or so. [14:35:26] Basically, you stop having to worry about pushing to the correct refs/changes/, and gerrit sends the commit to the right place. In return for this magic, you need to add a hook to your local repository. [14:36:55] yay [14:55:09] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [14:57:59] --- matt has become available [15:19:31] yay: yeah, that will be nice [15:33:19] --- brantgurga has become available [15:34:10] --- brantgurga has left [15:55:54] --- brantgurga has become available [16:08:27] --- deason has left [16:09:02] --- deason has become available [16:35:41] --- matt has left [17:10:31] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [17:36:30] --- Russ has become available [17:58:57] --- cclausen has left [18:18:25] --- brantgurga has left [18:57:29] --- cclausen has become available [20:45:05] --- brantgurga has become available [21:12:32] --- deason has left [22:27:14] --- brantgurga has left [22:27:23] --- brantgurga has become available [22:29:36] --- brantgurga has left [22:39:09] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [22:52:25] --- reuteras has become available [23:01:03] --- reuteras has left [23:10:44] --- reuteras has become available [23:12:03] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [23:13:03] --- reuteras has left [23:18:25] --- reuteras has become available