[00:55:48] --- cclausen has left [02:03:52] --- Claudio Bisegni has become available [02:16:29] --- sxw mobile has become available [02:17:46] restart jerry on o.s.e [02:18:30] can't do it from here - no ssh key on my mobile. [02:19:18] jetty even. [02:19:20] --- sxw mobile has left [02:40:02] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [02:40:24] Okay. Found a way to connect from my laptop. Gerrit should now be fixed. [02:42:47] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [02:45:11] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [05:30:40] what was the issue? [05:30:51] oh, jetty. [05:34:27] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [05:35:08] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [06:07:04] --- sxw mobile has become available [06:09:03] Yeh. jetty seems to get into a state where it can't serve some static files. [06:10:03] It's happened twice now. I should ask on repo-discuss. [06:15:09] --- sxw mobile has left [06:27:54] ok. we can consider auto restarting it i guess? [06:36:30] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [07:29:34] --- Claudio Bisegni has left [07:30:02] --- Claudio Bisegni has become available [07:53:19] --- Russ has become available [08:23:38] --- deason has become available [08:58:45] --- matt has left [09:05:39] --- sxw mobile has become available [09:10:42] we could. i'd like to know what's wrong and fix it properly though. [09:28:16] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [09:41:54] --- sxw mobile has left [09:47:05] --- sxw mobile has become available [09:58:55] --- sxw mobile has left [11:47:02] --- sxw mobile has become available [11:47:29] --- sxw mobile has left [12:22:22] fixing things properly, who do you think we are?? [12:40:40] --- edgester has become available [12:45:44] --- sxw mobile has become available [12:46:17] --- sxw mobile has left [12:48:08] --- matt has become available [13:23:11] --- Claudio Bisegni has left [14:45:46] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [16:11:36] --- sxw mobile has become available [16:30:57] --- matt has left [16:30:59] --- matt has become available [16:31:04] --- matt has left [16:31:38] --- sxw mobile has left [16:46:47] --- Brandon Allbery has become available [16:46:51] --- Brandon Allbery has left [17:45:52] --- matt has become available [18:44:33] --- matt has left [19:06:24] --- edgester has left [20:32:14] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [21:39:18] --- deason has left [22:01:03] --- cclausen has become available [22:41:50] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [23:24:11] --- cclausen has left [23:24:16] --- reuteras has become available