[01:23:28] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [01:24:49] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: offline [02:09:41] --- cclausen has left [03:44:47] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [03:44:51] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: offline [05:28:12] --- Jeffrey Altman has left: Replaced by new connection [05:57:27] --- Jeffrey Altman has become available [07:53:07] --- reuteras has left [08:46:52] --- cclausen has become available [09:12:16] --- bpoliakoff has become available [10:21:10] --- Russ has become available [10:41:23] Well, that's gerrit done now, too. [10:43:32] woot [10:47:07] url for it? [10:47:18] Not till the workshop :) [10:47:32] * stevenjenkins sniffs. He's not going to the workshop. [10:48:16] that was foolish [10:48:25] ? [10:48:54] I suspect Derrick views not going to the workshop as foolish. [10:49:08] ding! [10:49:33] ah. unfortunately the cost + environment is prohibitive this yr. [10:49:52] air's more breathable than last year. less people burning fuel. [10:50:32] s/environment/work environment/ [11:16:32] Its all about priorities. [11:17:39] does it really cost all much more? [11:18:20] the hotel at this years workshop looks to be significantly cheaper [11:18:23] For me, the additional flight cost is outweighed by how much cheaper the accomodation is. [11:18:26] the cost compared to last year's workshop is probably less due to reduced air fare and hotel expenses [11:18:42] In Simon's case, he has a much longer flight [11:18:47] yeah, true [11:19:04] Yeh. I'm travelling for about 17 hours on Saturday. Mutter mutter mutter. [11:19:10] and the value of the US Dollar has gone up compared to the Pound [11:19:25] Well, yes. But we're making a comeback, I see. [11:20:35] The hotel's sufficiently cheap that I'm actually staying for slightly longer in order to reduce the airfare further. [11:24:31] --- dwbotsch has left [11:24:56] --- Rrrrred has become available [11:26:12] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [11:27:32] to think i was cranky because it looked like i wouldn't have a direct flight and would get to spend a few hours in phoenix, chicago, detroit or minneapolis [11:53:01] > In Simon's case, he has a much longer flight He should compensate by taking a couple of days of layover in Pittsburgh. [11:53:45] cuz pittsburgh is very handy to lay over in [11:54:19] It has cheap accomodations, if you know the right people. [12:28:48] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: offline [12:54:43] --- mmeffie has become available [14:26:51] --- mmeffie has left [15:08:38] --- cclausen has left [15:12:26] trying to print badges for the workshop. I keep getting blank pages from the printer. So I try outputing the contents to a PDF, 12 blank pages come out. Not even the logo. [15:20:52] oh that's lovely [15:31:21] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [15:47:54] yay, I have badges [17:02:55] --- bpoliakoff has left [17:19:43] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [17:40:20] --- Russ has become available [21:31:54] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [21:32:01] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: offline [23:01:46] --- reuteras has become available