[00:04:00] --- sxw has left [01:57:43] --- sxw has become available [02:36:41] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [04:10:35] --- reuteras has left [04:10:43] --- reuteras has become available [04:11:00] --- reuteras has left [04:18:16] --- sxw has left [04:29:53] --- sxw has become available [05:23:44] --- SecureEndpoints has left: Replaced by new connection [05:50:59] --- sxw has left [06:43:54] --- sxw has become available [07:15:51] --- sxw has left [07:23:08] --- SecureEndpoints has become available [08:57:48] --- sxw has become available [08:58:21] --- matt has become available [09:25:52] --- sxw has left [09:54:09] any thoughts on my answering Reeni's question of "Is it possible that my proposal may not be accepted? I have been spending quite a bit of time on the same and would rather not do so if the above is true.." -- I believe she is referring to the Apr 20 announcement date of accepted proposals [09:59:11] seems reasonable to answer her. I would think that something like 'your proposal has made it past several initial reviews and it's approval is now primarily around getting the project goals, deliverables and milestones specified and agreed upon' would be reasonable to communicate to her. [11:03:45] is the discussion w/reeni happening now? [11:04:07] nevermind..misread the time. [11:28:07] --- RedBear has left [12:59:50] --- Russ has become available [14:42:46] --- dwbotsch has become available [15:12:58] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [17:00:34] --- Russ has become available [19:55:54] --- matt has left [23:00:06] --- reuteras has become available