[00:05:51] --- reuteras has become available [00:32:27] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [01:42:01] --- summatusmentis has left [02:00:44] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [02:00:49] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: offline [02:41:08] --- dlc has become available [04:54:57] *yawn* [04:55:07] --- dwbotsch has left [04:55:30] --- RredBear has become available [05:05:31] follow up from yesterday. I have created a patch for the signed vs unsigned volume id data types. a 1.5 version is located at /afs/athena.mit.edu/user/j/a/jaltman/Public/OpenAFS/volid-signed-unsigned-1_5-3.patch [05:21:19] --- SecureEndpoints has left: Replaced by new connection [05:50:16] --- shadow@gmail.com/owl2775CD44 has left [06:35:24] --- shadow@gmail.com/owl74289755 has become available [06:49:02] --- summatusmentis has become available [06:52:03] --- mmeffie has become available [07:10:55] --- reuteras has left [07:11:10] --- reuteras has become available [07:22:36] --- SecureEndpoints has become available [07:35:53] is there any way to tell when the next cps (groups w. ip acls) update will take place? [08:08:50] --- dragos.tatulea has become available [08:40:42] --- stevenjenkins has left [08:43:40] --- stevenjenkins has become available [08:50:25] --- reuteras has left [09:09:26] --- matt has become available [09:10:50] --- dragos.tatulea has left [09:20:06] --- cg2v has left [09:20:10] --- stevenjenkins has left [09:20:17] --- cg2v has become available [09:23:17] --- stevenjenkins has become available [10:05:40] firehorse [10:05:55] so much for that password [10:06:31] heh [10:10:05] --- Russ has become available [11:39:25] --- dlc has left [11:48:16] is RT going to be updated for the 1.4.9 release meeting notes? [11:48:41] (my apologies on that, but I had IM problems in the middle, so, for example, I don't know if dynamic vcaches is out or in for 1.4.9) [11:48:48] --- summatusmentis has left: Lost connection [11:50:29] --- summatusmentis has become available [11:56:58] dynamic vcaches are in. [11:57:20] tx. [12:19:19] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [12:19:22] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: offline [12:49:40] --- dwbotsch has become available [12:49:41] --- Rrrrred has left [13:13:14] --- SecureEndpoints has left: Disconnected [13:13:49] --- SecureEndpoints has become available [14:05:53] --- dlc has become available [14:17:29] --- cg2v has left [14:58:27] --- mmeffie has left [15:34:24] > is RT going to be updated for the 1.4.9 release meeting notes? it already was. [18:19:45] --- Russ has left: Disconnected [18:41:34] --- Russ has become available [20:45:23] --- dlc has left [21:21:30] --- matt has left [23:44:31] --- Russ has left: Disconnected