[02:19:14] --- manfred furuholmen has become available [03:40:47] --- SecureEndpoints has left: Replaced by new connection [03:46:50] --- manfred furuholmen has left [04:26:56] --- manfred furuholmen has become available [04:27:33] --- manfred furuholmen has left [04:30:02] --- manfred furuholmen has become available [04:36:11] --- manfred furuholmen has left [04:41:20] --- manfred furuholmen has become available [05:08:14] --- manfred furuholmen has left [06:37:08] --- dmontuori has become available [06:41:53] --- sxw has become available [07:19:34] --- SecureEndpoints has become available [07:23:33] --- manfred furuholmen has become available [07:50:33] --- manfred furuholmen has left [08:47:57] > precache [08:48:22] is something which makes the cache manager attempt to prefetch data for any file you are reading, so there's a buffer ahead of where you are [08:49:50] Is that the thing that was the second bit of your n810 dump at last year's workshop? [09:14:27] i actually did it for a customer, istr. [09:14:53] But, it's the thing you were demoing when you played the mp3 back across AFS? [09:15:50] MP3 players typically do their own buffering, so as long as the chunk size is small enough, you shouldn't need prefetching for that to work. [09:15:55] --- sxw has left [09:16:00] yes [09:16:38] of course small chunk size decreases afs performance [09:16:49] Well, yes [09:17:10] Well, that depends. It decreases performance for any given client, but increases concurrency for the fileserver. [09:18:58] after you get to the point where you overcome the call overhead, sure. i suspect we aren't talking about chunksizes that large [09:54:20] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [11:03:14] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [11:54:29] --- sxw has become available [11:57:06] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: Lost connection [11:57:54] --- Russ has become available [12:08:31] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [13:29:57] --- Adam Goode has become available [13:30:22] --- Adam Goode has left [14:04:22] --- Moose has become available [14:19:48] someone approve my stuff to info-afs and afs-announce [14:19:51] PLEEEEAAASEEE [14:19:55] --- dmontuori has left [14:21:06] Hmmm. Only 4 days to work out what I could talk about this year ... [14:21:35] seriously simon [14:21:45] you could probably say "reserve me a slot" and we'd let you stand up there and read the hpone book [14:21:55] you'd probably have some way that it'd be better with afs, somehow [14:41:17] moose: approved sxw: yeah, really, just say "I want to talk" and we'll let you. [14:50:50] thanks jeff [17:16:50] --- edgester has become available [17:41:37] --- Simon Wilkinson has left [17:41:37] --- sxw has left [17:41:47] --- sxw has become available [17:47:17] --- Moose has left [18:08:27] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [18:43:36] --- edgester has left [19:07:49] --- edgester has become available [19:32:39] --- edgester has left [19:45:53] --- sxw has left [20:34:41] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [21:35:38] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [22:15:39] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [22:48:41] --- Russ has left: Disconnected