[03:40:30] --- SecureEndpoints has left: Replaced by new connection [03:41:37] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left: Replaced by new connection [03:41:38] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [04:54:29] --- SecureEndpoints has become available [07:40:39] --- matt has become available [09:00:22] --- manfred furuholmen has become available [09:01:09] --- dmontuori has become available [09:14:08] --- Russ has become available [11:17:42] --- Simon Wilkinson has become available [12:00:53] A belated Happy New Year to everyone! [12:09:25] thx [12:11:38] do you have some documents for disconnect (command syntax, usage ..) ? [13:31:50] I'd bet dragos does [13:32:45] and iirc, there was documentation on the pioctl that he wrote too [13:32:51] but I don't recall where [13:48:46] http://www.codeplex.com/discopenafs is the same project ? [13:52:06] check out Dragos' code at http://code.google.com/p/google-summer-of-code-2008-openafs/downloads/list [13:52:12] I would assume there's docs there [13:54:31] yes i found something like that [13:56:07] beyond that... it might be in 1.5.x branch, I'm not sure [14:01:17] iread somenthing in the 1.5.56 [14:07:54] It is in 1.5.x [14:08:24] I don't know what that codeplex site is. The patch listed there looks like Dragos's one, but it's older than what's in OpenAFS at present. [14:08:51] yeah, not familiar w/ codeplex either [14:09:07] speaking of, I haven't seen Dragos around in forever [14:09:18] Interestingly enough, you try to download the patch and it claims it's under the GPL. [14:09:57] yes i take it [14:10:16] Yup, but the discon code very definitely isn't GPL'd. [14:10:24] It can't be, it has to build with OpenAFS. [14:11:29] they call it "linux Disconnected Patch" [14:11:30] :-) [14:11:44] Yeh - it's not Linux only either. [14:11:50] --- dmontuori has left [14:11:57] --- dmontuori has become available [14:12:37] --- stevenjenkins has left [14:13:38] I guess either Dragos, or the gatekeepers, could complain. [14:14:20] (about the wrong license, that is) [14:14:51] manfred: In answer to your question about documentation - there isn't really all that much user documentation. [14:15:12] Partly because the code itself isn't really done yet, and partly because nobody's got round to writing any. [14:15:20] i don't find command reference in disconnect opertion in the 1.5.56 (in the man ) [14:15:38] I don't think Dragos contributed man page updates, and I haven't got round to writing any. [14:15:47] fs discon is the command you're looking for. [14:15:54] the drangon readme it is still valid ? [14:16:06] --- stevenjenkins has become available [14:16:33] Drago's notes are still valid, yes. They're far more about the way it's implemented, rather than how to use it though. [14:17:27] http://www.openafs.at/drupal/files/slides/2Day_02/DisconnectedGraz.pdf [14:17:34] is the latest talk I've given about it. [14:17:46] That has usage instructions, and details of the current state of implementation. [14:18:08] --- dmontuori has left [14:18:14] --- dmontuori has become available [14:18:35] yes i rembember , [14:19:14] can i use all the switch of fs discon <-mode online | offline> [-policy server | client] [-force] [14:19:23] You should be able to, yes. [14:19:40] in special way the policy .. [14:20:01] ok I try to play a little bit .. [14:20:06] That selects the conflict resolution policy - server is 'server wins', client is 'client wins' [14:20:29] force forces reconnection, regardless of the current cached contents. You'll lose everything that's currently in the cache when you do it. [14:21:12] simon, has there been any thought/effort put into merge ops? [14:21:44] I don't know anything about it, but 'server wins' vs. 'client wins' seems kind of black or white [14:21:52] ok thanks .. time to leave .. change city .. [14:22:05] good luck manfredfuruholmen [14:22:25] :-) yes I need .. snow ... ton of snow [14:22:57] --- manfred furuholmen has left [14:23:08] --- stevenjenkins has left [14:23:09] not looking forward to going back to snow [14:26:12] --- stevenjenkins has become available [14:42:09] summatusmentis: We did discuss better merge operations, including last modified and "prompt user", but ran out of time. [14:42:38] In theory, the merge operations should also preserve the copy that's been overwritten in local storage, so you can recover it if required. [14:44:22] very cool. discon ops make me happy :) [14:44:50] They'll make me happier when they're completely usable. [14:45:43] Pinning and persistence are the two biggies. Dragos is working on pinning, I'm tackling persistence - but having to rejig the vcache structure is making me sad. Too many platforms, not enough test machines ... [14:46:39] completely usable is better :) I've got an aix box I could test on if you want [14:47:21] Can I give you a patch, and get you to build it. I know that the build will fail, but what I want is the errors... [14:47:37] give me a couple weeks, yes [14:47:52] Cool. Ping me when you're able to do so, and I'll let you have it ... [14:47:54] the box is in $school-town, and I'm not [14:48:05] Ah, OK. [14:48:26] but yes, i'll definitely let you know [14:52:08] Thanks! [14:52:14] sure thing [14:54:30] Jeff/derrick, if you're around. I owe you lots of time on web stuff, next week, I promise [16:29:02] --- matt has left [16:45:57] --- dmontuori has left [22:11:17] --- Russ has left