[00:04:31] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [00:15:35] --- reuteras has become available [00:46:46] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [04:51:03] --- summatusmentis28009 has become available [04:51:03] --- summatusmentis28009 is now known as summatusmentis86647 [04:51:03] --- summatusmentis86647 has left [04:51:03] --- summatusmentis47394 has become available [04:51:17] --- summatusmentis has left [05:18:18] --- reuteras has left [06:49:07] --- reuteras has become available [06:50:54] --- reuteras has left [06:56:34] --- dmontuori has become available [09:04:28] --- mcohan has become available [10:42:30] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [11:21:42] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available [12:26:47] --- dwbotsch has left [12:57:19] --- dwbotsch has become available [13:51:23] --- dmontuori has left [14:01:26] --- dragos.tatulea has become available [14:01:35] hi [14:01:40] How's everybidy? [14:01:43] everibody? [14:01:44] tired [14:01:47] ohh [14:01:49] can't type [14:01:52] haha [14:10:00] so, what's new? [14:10:33] not much... trying to come up with a halloween cosutme [14:10:49] try an orca :) [14:11:29] that's difficult... I'm trying to come up with an easy abstract idea [14:12:09] Hah! Abstract ideas are never easy, by their very abstractness. [14:12:37] well, right, but once you have the idea, it's relatively easy to come up with an idea [14:12:56] There you go. You can be a circular reference. :-) [14:13:14] go ahead, bite your tail now [14:13:17] :) [14:13:44] haha oh god [14:16:53] abstract ideas? How about extending 'Y Y' via an Ackerman-like function? [14:17:13] I don't even know what that means :) [14:17:52] well, if you just need a geek costume, go as an algorithm, a programming language, a programming language keyword, or some sort. [14:18:15] I'd dress up as a pointer. [14:18:24] I'll be hanging out with people who won't get it, and then I'll just be explaining it the whole night :) [14:18:41] so is that good or bad? e.g., good, in that it's a conversation-starter. [14:18:43] and that means social interaction! [14:18:56] well, it'd be a conversation starter [14:19:10] Exactly what does a pointer look like? [14:19:16] up to the point when ppl start yawning their way out of it [14:19:19] I'm thinking something like a dandelion.. [14:19:19] but it'd also mean I'd have to take 10 minutes to give enough background information for them to understand [14:19:54] jhutz@jis.mit.edu/owl: It's a mythic creature....just like the unicorn! [14:20:14] Uh, unicorns are concrete, and not that hard a costume. [14:20:26] yeah [14:32:25] * summatusmentis47394 goes to salvation army to see if anything strikes him [15:01:29] that was entirely unhelpful [15:19:31] --- summatusmentis47394 has left [15:46:01] --- summatusmentis has become available [15:50:18] --- summatusmentis has left [15:50:31] --- summatusmentis has become available [15:53:07] --- summatusmentis has left [16:07:30] --- Rrrrred has left [16:22:14] --- summatusmentis has become available [16:35:56] --- summatusmentis has left [16:43:43] --- dragos.tatulea has left [16:58:17] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has left [17:37:00] --- summatusmentis has become available [18:01:16] --- summatusmentis has left [18:28:33] --- mcohan has left [18:29:01] --- RedBear has become available [18:59:10] --- summatusmentis has become available [19:37:17] --- RedZBear has become available [19:37:26] --- RedZBear has left [19:37:51] --- Rrrrrred has become available [19:38:04] --- RedBear has left [19:38:12] grrrr [19:38:17] gr? [19:38:45] google seems to lose its connection to conference.openafs.org every so often [19:38:59] and when that happens, pidgin resets the username [19:39:02] yeah, I've had that happen too [20:35:11] --- summatusmentis has left [21:01:55] --- summatusmentis has become available [21:03:13] --- summatusmentis has left [21:03:22] --- summatusmentis has become available [22:42:54] --- summatusmentis has left [22:58:26] --- summatusmentis has become available [23:34:41] --- dev-zero@jabber.org has become available